Doug Kiker is the garbage man who auditioned for the American Idol in 2020. With no training and experience whatsoever, he came in the show to prove to his...
Chanlie Baker is a dental assistant who came into limelight after she got hitched to Clark Beckham. Clark is an American singer, songwriter, and musician who...
Hollywood week was quite a time for Philadelphia based Brit-singer Louis Knight. On the opening week with, Ain’t No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye...
Jonny West had very a unique talent to offer to the American Idol 2020. Not only he had the talent of showmanship along with a beautiful voice, but he could...
The year 2020 was quite a ride for the fans of American Idol. Many gifted artists such as Arthur Gunn, DeWayne Crocker, Jr., Kimmy Gabriela, Dillon James made...
Dillon James was a changed man as he auditioned for the American Idol season 18. He begged for forgiveness as a son and as a brother to his family and had been...
Laine Hardy is one of a few immensely talented artists who won the American Idol title in an approaching season despite being eliminated from an earlier season...
All-time classic soul hit, The Jackson 5’s ‘Who’s Loving You’ has been the holy grail for the contestants to flaunt their talents in most auditions....
On the Hollywood week of American Idol 2020, country singer Grace Leer outshined her duet counterpart, Hannah Prestridge. While Hannah was eliminated from the...