Bobby Bones, after his last break-up in 2017, was leading a single life. The winner of Dancing with the Stars embarking on a new relationship made the...
The state of Ohio was under distress when their beloved governor Mike DeWine was tested positive for coronavirus. However, staff tested negative after the...
At the end of July 2020, a group of doctors going by the name America’s Frontline Doctors went viral on the internet as they revealed that the treatment...
On April 16, 2020, Cristina Greeven Cuomo was the talk of Albany, NY as she tested positive for COVID-19. The virus got to her as she was taking care of her...
COVID-19 pandemic has kept Dr. Sanjay Gupta occupied as a medical correspondent for CNN. He is busy updating the viewers about the new findings and development...
Clemson Tiger Athlete Trevor Lawrence turned heads when he started a COVID-19 fundraiser with his girlfriend Marissa Layne Mowry which received praise from all...